So many things can happen during a single day and we can try to
add diversity to it.
Starting with the
waking up, the day begins and it's now time to do the
correct actions!
drink water and breath fresh air: the body needs them as it spent so much time at rest
some muscle training for the body in order to help it to wake up
a cold shower to feel fresh and ready for a new day
a big breakfast to have full energy! You will need for sure if you want to do weird things.
So, besides the above must do, you can plan other stuff like:
listening talks either about the world news or about a subject you like such as psychology or soccer
prepare the take away of the day if you are planning to do some sport or some other activities
find some goals you could set for this day and schedule them: go by bike to work and exit home at 8am? Learn 10 new words in Chinese at 1pm? Have a coffee break with your colleagues at 4pm? Go to cinema with your girlfriend at 7:30pm?, ...
keep motivated and think about the wonderful things you will do on this day! I will change the world! I will give the best on the job/studies I am doing! I will be the ideal partner for my girlfriend/boyfriend!, ...
During the day, while you are doing great stuff or by accomplishing your goals, you can be happy and you can show it! "Yes!", "mission completed!", "I am the best!", ...
You can then be kind with you and allow you some time for the stuff you like.
The day is going but you need to keep focused on your goals but also on new opportunities you did not plan!
By being opened to new opportunities, you can find new ways to make your day more interesting.
For example, you meet a guy near the coffee machine and he is beginning to speak about object recognition technics: in this case, you can make the new unplanned goal to discuss with him and know more somebody who shares the same passion as you: the object recognition.
For sure, sometimes, we can be in a hurry and we don't spend time to keep an eye on what it is happening around us... But, by wasting a little of our time, this day could enable us to discover a new way to enrich our life!
So, what I recommend along the day is the following:
- show to you your success on goals' or great tasks' achievement and reward you,
- stay focused on the objectives you planned by waking up
- but stay at the same time opened to new opportunities for the set of new objectives
By the end of the day, you are tired and you want to rest.
You can do a balance of your day and check what you liked and what you could have done better in order to enhance your objectives for the next days.
You can even start to think about what you plan to do the day of tomorrow: by doing it, you can be better ready for the waking up.
In fact, the three last tasks mentionned in the waking up section can be prepared already by the evening:
- prepare the take away of the day
- find some goals you could set for this day and schedule them
- keep motivated and think about the wonderful things you will do
It can even help you sleeping by enjoying the wonderful day of tomorrow!
This preparation can even been done while nearly sleeping: your creativity could be enhanced as you are at rest!
Then, in order to ease our body to go to dream world and to feel then fine the day of tomorrow, I recommend:
- to eat lightly
- to drink a herbal tea or at least something hot
- to read a physical book or an eBook at bed
For all three sections, you can plan other scheduled activities depending on your long term goals such as muscle training or language learning.
In order to be efficient in daily activities, you need to be regular and to avoid any kind of exception.
These daily activities can be scheduled at a specific time of the day or triggered after or before another activity. By scheduling precisely your activity, you will be more ready to do it and then, you will have more opportunity to do it!